richard hallam

The Evolution of Human Cleverness
Richard Hallam, May 2022
Routledge | Paperback

ISBN-13: 9780367761035

The Evolution of Human Cleverness presents a unique introduction to the way human cognitive abilities have evolved. The book comprises a series of mini-essays on distinct topics in which technical terms are simplified, considering how humans made the long journey from our ape-like ancestors to become capable of higher-level reasoning and problem solving.

The book draws on research from diverse fields including Psychology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology and Neuroscience. All the topics are cross-linked, allowing the reader to dip in and out, but certain key concepts run through the underlying reasoning. Chiefly, these are: adaptation and selection, the distinction between ultimate and proximate causes of behaviour, gene/culture co-evolution, and domain-general versus domain-specific cognitive processes. The book should help the reader draw lessons for the human species as a whole, especially in view of the environmental threats to its own existence.

Book cover: The evolution of human cleverness

* Reviews

"a unique and most interesting book on evolution. . . a pleasure to read without requiring any special knowledge or background."
Glenn Shean, Professor of Psychology Emeritus, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA

"a panoramic and comprehensive survey of contemporary knowledge and debate on the subject of the evolution of human cleverness . . . a rich, worthwhile and illuminating voyage."
Ariel Stravynski, Professeur Honoraire, Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal, Canada

"the evolutionary story of how our abilities emerge, what they enable us to do and how our cleverness is now impacting the whole planet . . . A marvellous book, highly recommended."
Freddy Jackson Brown, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, North Bristol NHS Trust Associate Fellow, Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal, and Research, University of Warwick

"in this book one can find clearly set out strong proposals concerning all we can reasonably know about human cleverness . . . and all we don’t know about it and all we can’t probably know."
Adriano Bugliani, Assistant Professor, History of Philosophy, University of Firenze, Italy





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